Lionel Wafer

Pirates in Panama History

Lionel Wafer was a English Buccaneer and surgeon. He joined the buccaneers under the command of Bartholomew Sharp. In 1679 he joined with William Dampier on the expedition that crossed the Isthmus of Panamá 1680. They captured a ship and began raiding the Spanish settlements on the coast of Central and South America. They returned to an island called Drake's Island, and had a disagreement with Dampier. Dampier wanted to go back to the South Sea, and continue the raiding, while Wafer wanted to return to Jamaica. 

In 1681, Wafer return to the Isthmus of Panamá. In May of that year, he was severely injured by an accidental explosion of a barrel of gunpowder. Unable to move, he was nursed back to health by the local Cuna Indians of the area. He spent several months under their care. While there, he studied the geography, the natural history  and culture of the area and its inhabitants. He finally returned to Jamaica after he  regaining his health.

His experiences while under the care of the Cuna, stimulated him into writing a book,
"New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of Panama" in 1699. This book is an important reference describing in complete detail the natural history and inhabitants of Spanish America during these times.. 


The three illustrations below, are by Wafer and his description of the Cuna Indians of Darien.


The Indians Manner of Bloodletting

The Indians in their Bohio in Counsel

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Bruce C. Ruiz
September 20, 2002